Predicting the Future: Trends for 2024

January 31, 2024 • 2 minute read

Industry experts share their collective filmmaking predictions in recent articles published by British Cinematographer and Definition Magazine.

Dimension’s Co-founder and Co-CEO, Simon Windsor and Head of Realtime, Ed Thomas spoke to the respective titles, sharing their forecasts for 2024.

British Cinematographer gathered the perspectives of industry experts with Simon sharing insights on the rapid acceleration of AI and how this will continue to enhance the work of 3D artists.

Simon continues to explain the increasingly widespread adoption of virtual production technologies, as well as harnessing data generated on set and how this can further drive efficiencies in post-production.

“AI-powered tools will enhance the work of 3D artists by driving efficiencies and providing creative inspiration. In 2024, generative AI will become more valuable in artists, creators, and filmmaker’s creative arsenal.”

Simon Windsor

Co-founder and Co-CEO Dimension

In an interview featured in Definition Magazine, Ed Thomas envisions a leap in the quality and creativity of filmmaking, attributing this to the rise in realtime virtual production technologies. Ed predicts these technologies will not only mature but also enhance the entire filmmaking process.

Expanding his forecasts, Ed delves into the possibilities of real-time rendering of photorealistic scenes, creative uses of AI tools, and the expected rise of AI-generated films.

“One of the phrases I love when it comes to real-time technology is “fail faster”...realtime will give directors the power to experiment without consequence, at any stage of the production.”

Ed Thomas

Head of Realtime

These collective predictions from Ed, Simon, and other industry experts, confirm that 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year. Read the full articles in Definition Magazine and British Cinematographer.