Disney's Pinocchio (2022) Virtual Production Behind the Scenes

September 6, 2024 • 2 minute read

As we approach the second anniversary of Disney's live-action ‘Pinocchio’ (2022), we’re excited to share an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the simulcam sorcery that reimagined this beloved classic.

Disney collaborated with Dimension and DNEG 360 to tap into our virtual production techniques, under the direction of Robert Zemeckis. Using Unreal Engine, Zemeckis, previsualised the entire animated film, enabling our team to use innovative simulcam techniques to overlay digital content over real, live-action content into a live composite.

This revolutionary method gave directors, cinematographers, and actors a realtime view of the final shot, offering clear visual cues throughout filming. Interactive lighting, provided natural light and reflections on the set and actors, enabling instant composite shots on the day–a process that usually takes weeks.

‘Pinocchio’ was not just a retelling of a classic tale, but a classic showcase of realtime storytelling.