Virtual Production

Netflix: The Leopard

Netflix came to Dimension to create a virtual production promo for The Leopard; a grandiose original series set in nineteenth century Sicily that boasts rich, sumptuous visuals.

Our industry-leading virtual production team created an impressive, otherworldly virtual ballroom environment based on one of the show’s most notable scenes. The environment of Roman pillars, floating candelabra and impressive fireworks was played out on the studio’s impressive 8-metre tall, 51-metre U-shaped LED volume at Cinecitta Studios, where Dimension has a partnership to deliver virtual production services.

The show’s cast of four protagonists danced against the volume, amongst several physical elements on set before stopping to watch the virtual fireworks show. Thanks to the nature of ICVFX through using an LED volume, the interaction of virtual lighting and the physical elements created an incredibly naturalistic environment for the film. And by the time the camera captured the action, it’s impossible to distinguish the real objects from the virtual.

Alongside shooting the film to promote The Leopard, Vanity Fair and photographer Leandro Manuel Emede also attended the iconic Cinecitta Studios for a glamorous photoshoot for a cover story about the show. The renowned culture and fashion magazine’s photoshoot also took advantage of the beautiful immersive environment created by the Dimension team for coverage on the show both in print and online.

Read more on the Vanity Fair website.




Leandro Manuel Emede


Nick Cerioni


Ilaria Taccini

Noemi Managò

Niko Prete

Marco Spagnuolo

Deva Cassel | Make-up and hair

Fulvia Tellone

Benedetta Porcaroli | Make-up & hair

Nicoletta Pinna

Alessandro Squarza

Kim Rossi Stuart and Saul Nanni | Hair & Make-up

Make-up Michele Mancaniello

Hair: Sergio Cippitelli

Producer VF

Marina Moretti

Set Designer


Virtual Production

Dimension Studio

On-set Producer

Sugarkane Productions

Giulia Vercelli

Alex Liistro


Cinecittà Studios - Theater 18

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